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DTW YIP-MAN Soil Amendments: Humic, Calcium, Magnesium, sulfur

DTW YIP-MAN Soil Amendments: Humic, Calcium, Magnesium, sulfur


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Introducing "Yip Man," a Soil Conditioner by Duang Tawan Phet (DTW)
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"Yip Man," a Soil Structure Enhancer
The Master of Soil Improvement: 1 Bag, 3 Powers, 4 Elements

Power 1: Calcium Sulfate (Gypsum)

  • ✅ Contains natural calcium, which helps strengthen root systems and cell walls.
  • ✅ Contains natural sulfate or sulfur, which promotes the development of vitamins and proteins, aiding in robust plant growth.

Power 2: Humic Compounds

  • ✅ Helps revitalize the soil and root systems.
  • ✅ Increases CEC (Cation Exchange Capacity), improving the soil’s ability to retain nutrients, allowing roots to anchor and absorb more effectively.
  • ✅ Enhances soil texture, making it more porous, water-retentive, and well-aerated.
  • ✅ Adjusts soil pH to optimal levels for plant growth.

Power 3: Natural Secondary Nutrients

  • ✅ Contains natural calcium, which strengthens root systems and cell walls.
  • ✅ Contains magnesium, which aids in photosynthesis, enhancing the greenness of leaves.

Key Ingredients
🟠 Humic Acid
🟠 Calcium
🟠 Magnesium
🟠 Sulfur

Mix with chemical fertilizers to reduce costs and enhance the efficiency of chemical fertilizers. The pellets are strong, and when mixed with chemical fertilizers, they do not become damp.

Proten...Plant Protein
2 in 1 Combination of Amino and Humic 🌳

Concentrated Plant Protein
Extracted from soybeans, rich in essential amino acids that are crucial for the formation of proteins, enzymes, and plant hormones.

  • Aspartic Acid: Assists in root development.
  • Glutamic Acid: Enhances photosynthesis and chlorophyll production.
  • Leucine: Aids in leaf growth and nutrient accumulation.
  • Alanine: Nourishes fruits, improving taste and sweetness.

Properties of Humic in Proten
➡️ Revitalizes root systems and the overall plant condition post-harvest.
➡️ Improves soil fertility by enhancing soil structure and pH balance, enriching the soil.
➡️ Increases CEC, improving the soil's ability to retain nutrients and exchange ions.
➡️ Enhances root absorption of nutrients and root anchoring.
➡️ Proten also helps the soil retain moisture, making plants more drought-resistant, and improves soil aeration.
➡️ Resolves issues with dry, damaged, or compacted soil.

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